The Real Secret To Flat Abs

Want Those Flat Abs? Not Seeing Any Results?

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen, And Shown In The Gym

Fast Way To Get Fast Abs

Most people think that if you do a ton of ab workouts, you’ll see a nice six pack.  The truth of the matter is that you can have the nicest six pack in the world, but if you’re not eating right, it will be covered by a layer of fat and never will be seen.

It’s relatively easy to melt off your fat off, following five simple rules:

  • Drink enough water
  • Eat your greens!
  • Limit your ‘cheat day’ to once a week
  • Cardio cardio cardio!
  • Cut the sugar

It’s never enough to JUST do exercises, if you want that dream body you do have to work for it, and have to sacrifice your bad eating habits.  This does not mean that you have to give them up entirely, it just means you should have them in moderation, and portion control is another very important aspect to this.

Eating vegetables is a no brainer; they’re filled with vitamins and fiber, and are very caloric and nutrient dense.

Cardio is important because that’s what help burns fat by getting your metabolism going!

Cutting out sugar will help new fat from forming, because your body stores the sugar as fat when you have an excess of it.  When I cut all the candy and soda I used to binge on, I watched that fat melt away!

Now that you know the real secret to breaking the ab plateau, I challenge you to follow these rules for a month; start with the first rule and stick with it for a week, and then start adding the other rules after a week if that’ll help!

About Olivia Wygal

Olivia is a 19 year old college student who enjoys long walks in nature with frequent tree huggings. When she's not at school or with friends, she is constantly looking through nutrition blogs and different workout videos to find new workouts for her ever expanding athletic abilities. Pilates, Kettlebells, Swimming, and Yoga are her favorite workouts, but she is always up to trying new things

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